Group Blogs


Christmas Party 2014

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On Friday 20th December 2013 The Market Weighton Scout Group held our 1st Group event, where all the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Explorers were invited to a joint Christmas Party and Chief Scout awards night in the Scout Hut.

As everybody arrived they placed the food they brought with them for a faith supper into the Stephenson room, then they all gathered around the flag in the Bradley room so John (SL) could welcome them and explain what was going to happen. John (SL) asked Miana (BSL) if she and the Beavers would do the flag break followed by the “moving on” ceremony.

The “Moving On” ceremony was for the older Beaver Scouts to move on to Cub Scouts, they say goodbye to Miana (BSL) and the Beavers and Swim up (run under a giant parachute) to meet Rachel (CSL) who welcomes them in to the Cub Pack.

They all went on to play games in the Bradley room with Emma (ASL), David (ASL), Miana (BSL) Rachel (CSL), Jill (ABSL) they played: pass the parcel, Musical Chairs, North East South West, Knife Fork Spoon, and more, before going through to the Stephenson room to have a faith supper they had all contributed towards.

While the children were eating and drinking Andrew our District Commissioner (DC) had arrived to present 3 Chief Scout Bronze Awards to the Beavers who had completed the 6 challenge awards over their time in Beaver Scouts.  

John (SL) closed the event by thanking everyone who had taken part and had made it a wonderful evening of games and awards, he also thanked Andrew (DC) for coming to our event to hand out the awards and thanked all the leaders who had run the night.


SL – Scout Leader

ASL – Assistant Scout Leader

CSL – Cub Scout Leader

ACSL – Assistant Cub Scout Leader

BSL – Beaver Scout Leader

ABSL – Assistant Beaver Scout Leader

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