Melbourne Incident Hike 28th January 2012
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Our Scouts took part in the annual incident hike. This year it was held at Melbourne Scout hut. The day started out cold but as we looked around it was shaping up to be a promising day in front of us.
There were four incidents along the route, these were all scouting based activities organised by each troop. We had check point 1, HOSM check point 2, Stamford Bridge check point 3 and Pocklington check point 4.
The Scout teams were being sent out in both clockwise and anti-clockwise direction around the course to avoid a back log of teams at each incident and to avoid teams following each other.
The Market Weighton team set out in high spirits looking forward to the challenges ahead. They managed 3 out of 4 incidents as they were forced to retire by the event organisers due to time getting the better of them.
Despite being picked up all the Scouts wanted to carry on and complete the hike. Once all 11 teams were back Mathew Bell & Roy Howard (DC) announced the winners of the hike.
Market Weighton Scout Troop would like to congratulate Pocklington for winning the hike.
A great big thank you to all those who organised the event and took part in making the day a successful and enjoyable by all.
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